Country in the Country 20130818

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, August 18, 2013.

It's a very special edition of Country in the Country! You might think of it as "The Country Yossi Instant Record Collection!"
While Country Yossi is out of town, we kept his seat warm for the last Country in the Country of 2013 with an assortment of Country Yossi music and Classic Calls.
If you want to have any or all of Country Yossi's recordings for your CD collection, or if you need to fix that wobbly table leg, or you're running low on drink coasters, they're all available below, for your purchasing convenience.
We also had visits from Dov Shurin with the latest news from Israel, Rabbi Chaim Prussman with The Beth Shfra Report, and some gevaldigeh Divrei Torah live in-studio from Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss.
We'll see you soon back in the The City. From Country, Heshy, and your faithful podcaster, Mike, Gut Yontiff in advance, L'shanah Tovah in advancehave an easy fast even farther in advance, and don't forget to start writing 5774 on all your checks!
[Can't see the CDs in your podcast player? Check them out on the web.]

Country Yossi
and the

Click the Titles to Order!


  1. 'Cause I'm A Jew
  2. The Cholent Song
  3. Rabbi Black
  4. Speak To "Hashem"
  5. Then He Potched Me
  6. Little Kinderlach
  7. Big Bad Moish
  8. In The Year...
  9. The Rabbi
  10. Peel One More Potato (For The Kugel)

Strike Again!

  1. Modeh Ani Lefanacha Melech
  2. Lukshin Kugel Eater
  3. Nebich Of The Shteeble
  4. A Boy Named Zlateh
  5. Moishe Shmeel
  6. Oh, My Yerushalayim
  7. Shlomo
  8. Ahvaira
  9. Make-Believe
  10. The Shteeble-Hop

Still On The Loose

  1. Kurrybone
  2. Shabbos Wine
  3. One Daf A Day
  4. Beep-Beep
  5. Along Came Moish
  6. Shteeble People
  7. Tick-Tock (Al Tomar)
  8. Save Maftir For Me
  9. Seven Little Kids
  10. The Interview


  1. Sholom
  2. Deaf Man In The Shteeble
  3. Runaround Jew
  4. My Little Yingeleh
  5. Hello Mameh
  6. The Cover Of The Jewish Press
  7. When Moshiach Comes
  8. Phantom Of The Shteeble
  9. Bubba Basra
  10. Chicken Soup

Break Out

  1. I Will Follow Him
  2. The Tiny Old Shteeble
  3. The Ballad Of "Fetteh Shmeel"
  4. Mitzvah Dance (The Wedding's Over)
  5. The Big K'nocker
  6. Learning Together
  7. Little One
  8. Sholom Ber
  9. I Wanna Go Home
  10. The "Minyan" Song

...These I Remember

  1. Sing, Zadie, Sing
  2. Aleh Yidin
  3. Those Were The Days
  4. He's Coming Closer
  5. I Can Still Remember Yesterday
  6. These I Remember
  7. Oh, The World
  8. My Yaytzer Hura Says
  9. I Am A Sheep
  10. Pakt Zich Ein

Greatest Hits

  1. Oh My Yerushalayim
  2. Big Bad Moish
  3. Seven Little Kids
  4. Deaf Man In The Shteeble
  5. Beep Beep
  6. The Rabbi
  7. Cholent
  8. Tick Tock
  9. Nebich Of The Shteeble
  10. Hello Mameh
  11. Phantom Of The Shteeble
  12. The Big K'nocker
  13. Mitzvah Dance (The Wedding's Over)
  14. Little Kinderlach

  1. Introduction
  2. Yentl Feet In Yard
  3. Bayla Nemesis
  4. Fishel Wet Pants
  5. Rivky Vacuum Cleaner
  6. Dov Shurin News From Israel
  7. Country Yossi & Heshy
  8. Malky Flies & Wasps
  9. Freida & Yogi King Zog
  10. Tzippy Amazon River
  11. Riazy Numbskull
  12. Zundel Air Conditioner
  13. Genenbdle 5 Boros
  14. Conclusion

Ride Again

  1. Oh Yankel
  2. I Am The Flower
  3. Bashert
  4. Boro Park
  5. Rav Shmuel and the Myrtle Twig
  6. Seven Shabbos Candles
  7. The Little Old Lady Named Pessy Deena
  8. Shabbos Goy
  9. Good Morning Klal Yisroel
  10. There Is a Place
  11. I'm Proud to Be a Part of Am Yisroel
  12. Somewhere Moshiach
  13. Elan Elan
  14. Poseiach

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