It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, February 7, 2012.
It's Tu B'Shvat, and Country welcomed us to the show's new time slot by opining on insurance and other financial matters, before a rousing rendition of "Boro Park" by Country Yossi and the Shteeble-Hoppers.

Amidst the shailes, Yossi also offerd up some $25 raffle tickets tickets to the Yad Batya L'Kallah Annual Gala Auction which happens next Tuesday. Also joining in the festivities were Dov Shurin with the latest news from Israel and Rabbi Yaakov Spivak with the latest commentary from Monsey. And in honor of Tu B'Shvat, at the end of the show Country Yossi finally made good on his promise to make like a tree and leave! Check out our special Tu B'Shvat deal good for the entire month of Shvat by clicking here:
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