The Country Yossi Show 20120228

It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

Tonight Country and Heshy kicks things off with Yossi k'vetshing about his medical problems. Then it's a little Country Yossi Music: "Nebich Of The Shteeble."
 If you can't help singing along, but suddenly realize you don't know the words, the lyrics are available in the Purim issue of the Country Yossi Family Magazine. And if you're still not convinced that it's worth walking out of the house and down the block to pick up a copy of the CY Mag, enjoy Yossi's dramatic reading from the National Yenta, this month's hysterical paper-within-a-paper. Dov Shurin brought us the latest news from Israel. And, in the spirit of Chodesh Adar, master impressionist and talented singer Shimmy Shtauber compiled a collection of hits of all genres from the greatest Jewish music stars. With incredible impersonations and great music, Shimmy wows us with impressions of MBD, Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey, Lipa Schmeltzer, Ohad, Shloime Daskal, Baruch Levine, Yehuda Green, Shloime Gertner, Chazan Helfgot, Sruly Werdyger, Michoel Schnitzler, Dovid Gabay, Benny Friedman, Michoel Pruzansky, Yossi Green and 8th Day. This 16:30 track contains the action and excitement of an entire wedding in fast motion, including the first dance, dinner, second dance, third dance, and even a kumzitz at the end with Yehuda Green! Next week, it's COUNTRY YOSSI'S PURIM SPECTACULAR! You can tell it's something special because I typed it in ALL CAPS.

The Country Yossi Show 20120221

It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, February 21, 2012.

Tonight, you "auto" hear Country Yossi's comedic thoughts on Automobiles. Then it's a little Country Yossi Music: "Elan Elan."
 And as we mentioned last week (which means we can just copy and paste it this week), Country Yossi will be emceeing the "A Jewish Star" international singing competion.  Join him and  judges Avraham Fried, Mendy Pellin, Eli Gerstner and Yossi Green for a one of a kind concert at Brooklyn College on March 19th, which will feature performances by all the semi finalists before both the adult and child winner will be named. Learn more at
Country also treated us to the title track of Yaakov Shwekey's new CD:

And now we'd like to treat you to its YouTube video:

Somehow we also managed to squeeze in the latest news from Jerusalem with Dov Shurin!
And before we forget:  The long awaited, eagerly anticipated, spectacularly hilarious Purim issue of Country Yossi Family Magazine hits the stands this Friday featuring Jewish Star 2011 junior winner Yisroel Amar on the cover and in depth write-ups about him and new singing star Mendy Werzberger.  You also wont want to miss the 4 page full-color special “National Yenta” Purim supplement and the authoritative and always informative Z Report which this month features an exclusive sneak peek at Avrohom Fried’s new cd cover! Pick up a copy quick before they’re gone with the wind!

The Country Yossi Show 20120214

It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

Tonight, Country kicked things off by subtly reminding us that he'll be emceeing the "A Jewish Star" international singing competition. Join him and  judges Avraham Fried, Mendy Pellin, Eli Gerstner and Yossi Green for a one of a kind concert at Brooklyn College on March 19th, which will feature performances by all the semi finalists before both the adult and child winner will be named. Learn more at And listen next week for the chance to win tickets! Then, after regaling Heshy with the tale of a chance meeting with an old friend, Yossi wondered aloud if he was dull. He said some other stuff, but we must've dozed off....

We woke up just in time for a little Country Yossi music with "Make-Believe."
Later we heard "Kdai," a track from Yaakov Shwekey's new CD:

Still not satisfied? Now about some Rosh Chodesh Bentsching with Yossi's father and the latest news from Jerusalem with Dov Shurin and now we're talking!
 And don't forget to take advantage of our special Shvat offer, as mentioned below!

The Country Yossi Show 20120207

It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, February 7, 2012.

It's Tu B'Shvat, and Country welcomed us to the show's new time slot by opining on insurance and other financial matters, before a rousing rendition of "Boro Park" by Country Yossi and the Shteeble-Hoppers.
Amidst the shailes, Yossi also offerd up some $25 raffle tickets tickets to the Yad Batya L'Kallah Annual Gala Auction which happens next Tuesday. Also joining in the festivities were Dov Shurin with the latest news from Israel and Rabbi Yaakov Spivak with the latest commentary from Monsey. And in honor of Tu B'Shvat, at the end of the show Country Yossi finally made good on his promise to make like a tree and leave! Check out our special Tu B'Shvat deal good for the entire month of Shvat by clicking here:

Who Says You Can't Have It All?