Country in the Country 20150816

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, August 16, 2015.

It's that time of the week when you regret not having fixed the off button on the radio, but the silver lining to that dark cloud is that it's the last Country in the Country show of the summer! [And, quite frankly, forever. 😞]

We began with that old chestnut "Big Bad Moish," from that even older chestnut, Country Yossi:
And one of Country Yossi's Classic Calls, "Genenbdle 5 Boros":
And a couple of tracks from NCSY's The Jewish Version, for which Yossi wrote the lyrics, "Bezras Hashem" and "HeyThere Gedalya":
After a call, some more Country Yossi music, "Peel One More Potato (For The Kugel)"
Then the latest news from Israel with Dov Shurin,
who again mentioned his new favorite book:

Another Classic Call? Sure! How about "Yentl Feet In Yard":

And then some more CY Music: "Kurrybone":

Which brought us to another call, a little break, and "When Moshiach Comes":

Again with the calls? And again with the music? This time it's "Bubba Basra":

And the callers wouldn't stop! Neither would the music. "Hello Mameh":

And there's still room for more music? "Seven Little Kids":

And we switched gears for the arrival of Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss and his gevaldigeh Divrei Torah.

As the minutes ticked by until the end of the show, we heard "Tick Tock":

A final call and the 2015 summer season was in the history books, and right here in the online archive. And that also wrapped up the whole series. Hope you enjoyed it!

Country in the Country 20150809

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, August 9, 2015.

Another lovely summer evening tarnished by arrival of Country Yossi and Country in the Country. But don't let that stop you from listening. You'll have almost two hours to find a better reason.
We had a caller right of the gate, followed by a little Country Yossi music, "Oh, Yankel" and "Bashert":
Then back to the phones and Dov Shurin with the latest news from Israel.
Here's the must-have book Dov discussed:

And then, by special request from your humble podcaster, "Is This the Way to Monticello" by Marc Hoffman and the Bungaloafers.

After that, back to the phones we went! Followed by more Country Yossi music, "Boro Park" and "I'm Proud to Be a Part of Am Yisroel":
Did someone order a visit from Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss? I thought so! Here he is now.
And a little more CY music: "Elan Elan" and "Somewhere Moshiach":
And as Country Yossi's career sinks slowly in the west, that was the end of the show. See you next week!

Country in the Country 20150802

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, August 2, 2015.

The Three Weeks are over, so let the music begin again! Unfortunately, the closest thing we have to music is from Country Yossi and the Shteeble-Hoppers, with favorites like "Seven Little Kids
And just to be sure Country Yossi didn't have a monopoly on the post-Three-Weeks return to music, we were thrilled to share:
From Murray Goldwag's new album Murray the Sock Man Sings Yiddish Melodies
As the show progressed, we heard Dov Shurin's latest news from Israel
Then more CY&TS-H music, "Bubba Basra" and "When Moshiach Comes":
Up next, Yossi was joined in studio by Allen Frishman, the Seasonal Program and Community Consultant for Sullivan Renaissance who manages their Community Mitzvah Award Contest and the Seasonal Demonstration Grant Program
Here's what he was talking about:
The public is invited to honor the volunteers who are beautifying communities throughout Sullivan County at the 2015 Sullivan Renaissance Awards Ceremony on Monday, August 10.  There is no admission cost. 
The ceremony is being held in the Events Gallery at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts on Hurd Road in Bethel.  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with light refreshments; the program begins at 6:45 p.m.  The facility is ADA compliant and simultaneous translation into Spanish will be available.
Community organizations are now finishing their work at 54 beautification projects throughout Sullivan County.  To find out how to get involved with a community group, call Sullivan Renaissance at 845-295-2445. 
The Awards Ceremony will recognize all of this year’s projects and award additional grants between $1000 and $25,000 to those judged the most successful in completing their beautification efforts.  The winner of the contest for seasonal communities will receive Community Mitzvah Awards of $10,000, $5000 and $3000. 
Scholarships for Sullivan Renaissance volunteers will be announced by the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Counties, and the SUNY Sullivan Foundation.  Members of the Sullivan Renaissance Volunteers Corps and the Bilingual Advisory Committee will be recognized, as will young people who participated in the intern leadership program. 
The winning video in Sullivan Renaissance’s first video contest will also be shown.  New York City film director Ben Younger headed the panel of judges that awarded $1000 to an original video telling how Sullivan Renaissance has impacted people, organizations and communities.
Sullivan Renaissance is a beautification and community development program principally funded by the Gerry Foundation.  Sponsors include Bold Gold Media Group/Thunder 102, FisherMears Associates, Kristt Company, Robert Green Dealerships, Sullivan County Democrat, The River Reporter, Thompson Sanitation, and WSUL/WVOS.
For information and to RSVP, contact 845-295-2445 or
And then lots more Country Yossi music, like "Cover of the Jewish Press," "Phantom Of The Shteeble,"Hello Mameh":
And "Aleh Yidin":
Last but certainly not least, Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss phones in with his Gevaldigeh Divrei Torah.
And if you want to know what it would be like if radio had pictures, watch Rav Weiss's video on! Specifically, Q & A With Rav Moshe Meir Weiss At Irgun Shiurei Torah 5775
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Fortunately, mediocre things like Country in the Country must come to an end, too. Join us again next week!

Who Says You Can't Have It All?