DADDY BLUE sung by Avner Levy


We’ve been watching the sad news on TV and hearing about it on the Radio, and as the current unrest in Ferguson, Missouri shows, even absent (perhaps especially absent) a clear picture of exactly what went down, people are all-too-ready to jump down a cop’s throat whenever something goes tragically wrong.

When you watch the DADDY BLUE video, you’ll see and understand what is almost never publicized, never considered, is the humanity of the cop; his life – his world – his family – his children. We routinely ask these brave public servants to go out every day and put their lives on the line; most often without a thought to the possibly tragic consequences of even the most seemingly innocent of interactions with an often unpredictable public. Yet go out they do.

The song, “Daddy Blue” movingly depicts this too-often unacknowledged other side of the equation.

By purchasing the Daddy Blue song (audio / please click here, you’ll help send a portion of the proceeds to the Policeman’s Widows & Orphans Fund.

Remember: DADDY BLUE is dedicated to the courageous men & women in BLUE who make the world a SAFER PLACE FOR YOU.

For more info, contact us at: -

Country Yossi Family Magazine Issue #195

Country Yossi Family Magazine Issue #195 / November/December 2014 Vol 27 No 5

Country Yossi's long awaited, eagerly anticipated, highly venerated uberspectacular Chanukah issue arrives just in time for your holiday shopping! Jam packed with price-buster, gift-giving specials and other assorted Gevaldiger Metzios you'll recoup twice the cover price in no time at all!  Oozing like an overstuffed jelly donut with inspiring, informative and exclusive reportage, this issue headlines the star-studded HASC 28 concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center! Sizzlin' like a fresh potato latke this copious compendium features the latest releases from Uncle Moishe, Benny Friedman,Mitzvah Blvd, the Weinreb Bros and Heshy Lowy among others! So pick one up today before you're completely left Latkeless!

Who Says You Can't Have It All?