Country in the Country 20140727

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, July 27, 2014.

After a brief table of contents, we kicked things off with some Three-Weeks-friendly music: "Mimkomcha"  from the album Eli Gerstner & the Chevra: Sing Acappella
Then a little more a capella music while Country got the bugs out of the phone lines. (Is there a mashgiach in the house?) Another one from The Chevra: "V'hayu Limsheesa"
Next we heard from Dov Shurin with the latest news out of Israel. You can find his latest writings in The Jewish Press.
Then in our second hour, a return visit from R' Yoel Brill, and Ronny Biderman from A Hope to Heal.
If you forgot what you learned last week, here's a reminder about what they do from their website:
Our primary mission is to alleviate the short-term financial burden for adults and children stricken with acute serious illness by subsidizing their health insurance premiums. Other services include Health Care Advocacy, Medical Advocate Services, Support Programs, Health Awareness and Education.
We were also joined by Rabbi Shais Taub, the keynote speaker at AHTH's inaugural ladies luncheon
A few calls (including a long distance one!) before a little more a capella music: "Am Echad" by Ari Goldwag from the Album A Cappella Soul 2:
And still more a capella from who else but AKA Pella and "Etz Chaim"
And that slammed the lid on things for today! What will happen on next week's show? You'll have to tune in and find out!

Off The Wall: Proportionality

While I was watching and listening to the gnashing of teeth and wailing and moaning about mighty, powerful Israel’s disproportionate response to the current, ongoing campaign of terror being waged against it, by the poor, downtrodden Arab civilians, it suddenly occurred to me… they are right!
Let’s examine the situation logically. This latest madness began in earnest with the kidnapping and brutal murder of three innocent young Yeshiva boys, involved in nothing more dastardly than trying to get home to their loving families for Shabbat.
What is the impact on the Jewish people of these horrific crimes – crimes which are only one step on the road towards the oft-unambiguously-stated ultimate goal of annihilating the State of Israel along with the entire Jewish world population?
Well here’s where the math comes in.
The total number of Jews in the world is approximately 14,000,000, whereas the total world Muslim population stands at 2,080,000,000.
So if we were to respond proportionately, for every Jew killed, we should kill 149 Muslims. (1 divided by 14 million times 2.08 billion.)
As of this writing 27 Israelis have died. If we responded proportionately there would be 4,023 dead Muslims.
Everyone for proportionality – raise your hands.

Country in the Country 20140720

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, July 20, 2014.

Tonight was a very special Country in the Country show. But more about that momentarily.

As we're in the Three Weeks, we featured a cappella music. Tonight we heard:

Country Yossi's very own "Deaf Man in the Shteeble," as covered by Lev Tahor:
"Borchu" by Ari Goldwag:
And "Gam Ki Elech" from The Chevra
Then in our second hour, a heartwarming visit from R' Yoel Brill, Jeff Patow and Ronny Biderman from A Hope to Heal.
As their website says,
Our primary mission is to alleviate the short-term financial burden for adults and children stricken with acute serious illness by subsidizing their health insurance premiums. Other services include Health Care Advocacy, Medical Advocate Services, Support Programs, Health Awareness and Education.
But let those fine gentlemen explain it in their own words. And tell the women in your life about their upcoming inaugural ladies luncheon!
Then a delightful in-studio visit from Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss and his gevaldigeh divrei Torah, all about The Three Weeks.
Immediately followed by Dov Shurin with latest news out of Israel. You can find his latest writings in The Jewish Press.
And with that, the show disappeared just as quickly as it begain. Join us next week, won't you?

Country in the Country 20140713

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, July 13, 2014.

The Summer Fun continues, except for the two hours or so of Country in the Country! But let's overlook that little detail as we kicked things off tonight with some Kivi & Tuki music: "There is a Bracha."
And then came the phone calls, and some Country Yossi music: "Oh Yankel."
And then Dov Shurin checked in with the latest news out of Israel.
More calls, more music... "Shteeble People."
Who wants some more Kivi & Tuki music? How about "Who Knows One?"
Then Yossi loosened his collar and took some more callers. Then another summer Sunday tradition: Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss and his gevaldigeh divrei Torah.
And then some more Country Yossi music: "Little Kinderlach."
And that was almost it. But before we go, be sure to check out the latest weather forecasts from the National Weather Service as storms are a' brewin', and don't forget that Country Yossi will be among the judges as ten seasonal bungalow colonies and summer camps take part in a six-week long Community Mitzvah Award contest this summer, sponsored by Sullivan Renaissance. Three top prizes worth $10,000, $5000 and $3000 will be awarded to the participants that best clean-up and maintain their grounds and improve the look of their facilities.

Participants include:
  • American Theological, summer camp in Kiamesha
  • Camp Bnos Ahavas Israel, summer camp in Liberty
  • Camp Mesivta Eitz Chaim, summer camp in Parksville
  • Camp Simcha, summer camp in Glen Spey
  • Camp Tashbar, summer camp in Liberty
  • Far Site Bungalows, bungalow colony in Monticello
  • Ichud Hatalmidim, bungalow colony in Monticello
  • Khal Divre Chaim, bungalow colony in Kauneonga Lake
  • Machne Gila, summer camp in Liberty
  • Skolya Bungalows, bungalow colony in South Fallsburg
The contest began last month with participants making improvements to their grounds. Each camp is then observed on a weekly basis by data takers who record what can be seen from the road. The sites will be visited by a team of judges from outside Sullivan County in August and the winner announced at the Awards Ceremony on August 11.

All the participating camps and colonies will receive a $500 seed grant, and those that finish the contest will get a completion grant of $500. Each participant also receives two planting containers with flowers and instructions, which must be maintained throughout the contest. 

Campers and/or staff are also required to participate in an educational presentation and orientation by Sullivan Renaissance staff. All the participants will then be treated to kosher ice cream provided by an approved vendor for all the children involved in helping to maintain the property’s cleanliness.

Last year saw five participants in the contest, which was won by Skolya Bungalows on Route 42 in South Fallsburg. The goal of Sullivan Renaissance is to help guide communities to improve their visual standards.

For information about all of Sullivan Renaissance’s seasonal programs, visit

Country in the Country 20140706

It's Country in the Country for Sunday, July 6, 2014.

We dusted off the Country Yossi Podcast, and look what we found! Country Yossi with Country in the Country!
For this first show of the summer, we began with a little Country Yossi music: the surprisingly topical "Cholent," and the evergreen favorite, "Big Bad Moish."
A few phone calls, some words from our gevaldigeh sponsors, then more CY music: "Oh Yankel."
Then we enjoyed an entertaining and informative visit with producer extraordinaire Eli Gerstner.
We also heard "Adir," as well as the title cut (with lyrics by Country Yossi), from YBC 6 - "Modeh Ani" - "Thank You."
It wouldn't be summer without a visit from Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss and his gevaldigeh divrei Torah.
Followed closely by Dov Shurin with the latest news from Israel.
And that's that. Tune in again next week for more fun and surprises.

Who Says You Can't Have It All?