It's The Country Yossi Show for Tuesday, December 20, 2011. For the first night of Chanukah, Country and Heshy -- arguably not the brightest wicks on the menorah themselves -- are again joined by the shining light that is Eli Gerstner to remind us of the existence of his latest CD:
Did you know that the second English song on the album is a humorous look at Chanukahs past, called "Those Were the Nights." With lyrics by our very own Country Yossi, this is straight-up, flat-out Country Yossi, doing what he does best. It takes a hysterical look at those eight dreidel-spinning, latke-gorging, gelt-giving nights of our youth. The boys loved performing it in the studio. They couldn't keep still while singing it though, and had to do many retakes before they managed to stifle their laughter. And now this delightful track has become a viral video sensation, and Eli is here to tell us all about it. But why just tell when you can see it for yourself on YouTube. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth at least twice that.
Add to that Rosh Chodesh Bentsching with Yossi's father and the latest news from Israel with Dov Shurin and it's a Chanukah spectacular for the ages. Well, at least ages 5 to 7, maybe. Stay tuned to see if our boys can keep their brilliance for the full hour, let alone eight whole days!