The Country Yossi Show 20101028

It's The Country Yossi Show for Thursday, October 28, 2010!

This week, Country and Heshy welcome Dov Shurin live in the studio, and Rabbi Yaakov Spivak live on the phone with News and Comment.

And of course your phone calls!

The Country Yossi Show 20101021

And now, recorded from Cyberspace, iiiiiiiiiiiit's The Country Yossi Showwwwwww for Thursday, October 21, 2010.

Once again, Country and Heshy take your calls and take commentary from Rabbi Yaakov Spivak.

So what are you waiting for? Hit Play already!

The Country Yossi Show 20101014

It is with greatest pride and deepest pleasure that I announce the online return of The Country Yossi Show!

It's Thursday, October 14, 2010, and Country and Heshy welcome Rabbi Yaakov Spivak to the program to share his thoughts on issues of the day.

And lucky for us the Talkline Communcations internet audio stream was working flawlessly, so you can hear each and every flaw that happened during the show!

Who Says You Can't Have It All?